The second part of Thomas' routine is
A for Activity. He has "Activity Time" for about one hour or so at a time.

Some of the things he likes to do while he plays is sit in his bouncy chair with his keys and George or sit in his swing and stare at the leaves going around his head.

But his favorite Activity is to lay on his mat, kick and swing his arms while talking to his friends.

This mat was a present from his Great Aunt Linda. Vanessa (in true Jacobs' fashion according to Nana) "rigged it up" with extra toys that rattle, ring and vibrate along with Christmas lights and a mirror.

The blankets he are laying on are a quilt made for Vanessa when she was a baby and a blue and yellow crocheted blanket made for Vanessa's first child. Both blankets were made by her Great-Grandma Miller.

Thomas will lay and kick and talk to the ducks and the bugs on the mirror for 20 - 30 minutes at a time. I am not sure what they are saying to each other, but he laughs, coos and smiles like he is having the time of his life with his best buds.
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