With Vanessa going back to work, she decided to try and put Thomas on a routine she read about in a book by a Nanny. She hoped this would make it easier on Nana during the day and it would let her have an idea of what Thomas was doing throughout the day while she was at work.
Here are some pictures of a Day in Thomas' Life. His day begins around 7 am and consists of the following:

The first part of Thomas' routine is
E for Eating. Right now he is eating 4 oz about every three hours. He is a good eater and moans while he eats like he is tasting nectar from the gods.

The only deviation from this is when he is having a growth spurt he wants to eat between 6 - 8 oz at a time.

We have found that if he sits for a little while after he eats he spits up less, even though most everyone has been initiated into this club at one time or another.

Don't wear your nice clothes when you are coming to visit Thomas :-)

Here he is enjoying hanging out for little while with his friend Jack. But usually after a few minutes he starts to get squirmy and wants to move onto the next part of the routine...